Saturday, March 24, 2012

Louis Pasteur-The Pasteurizer!

     Louis Pasteur was born December 27th 1822, in Dole, France. He was born into a poor family, but he suprisingly gained degrees in Letters and Mathematical Sciences. He became a professor at the University of Strasbourg and shortly after he married Marie Laurent in 1849. They had 5 children but only 2 survived past childhood.
     He theorized many different scientific theories that are responsible for a lot of sanitation and precautions that we have today. These theories include why our gums can get diseased, why spoiled milk is bad, and the theory of vaccination leading to immunity.
     He won many honors for his studies of science including the Grand Croix of the Legion of Honor (1 of only 75) . He died in 1895, at the age of 73.

1.What was it like to live in France when your person did? What was going on socially, culturally, politically, etc? How was your person affected by their time period and how did they in turn affect everyone else?

The French Revolution happened during his life, so I imagine it was pretty chaotic. He wasn't really affected by hit time period and continued to work on his studies and science.

2. Name a few ways that your person changed history. How did his or her thoughts and actions affect the way other people thought fifty or one hundered years later?

All of these are very significant to us now, he pretty much made the foundation for simple things including, but not limited to; toothbrushes, modern milk, and flu shots. Without him we wouldn't have the basis for sanitation. Before him, doctors did not even wash their hands or tools.

3. Using the french skills that you have write one paragraph in french about this person.

     J'ai m'apelle Louis Pasteur et je suis le scientifique. J'ai reussi plus de scientifique theories. Sans ce theories, tu vas etre malade. J'ai cinq enfant mais deux ne morte pas. :( J'ai reussi lait trop de aimable. Est-ce que tu aimes du lait? Aimes-tu en?

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