Friday, January 20, 2012

Zelda Fitgerald- muse of the Jazz Age

Born in Montgomery, Alabama Zelda Fitzgerald was the youngest of six children. She was very active as a child. She took ballet, swam, drank, smoked, and hung out with boys. At the time her her birth, she came into a world that was just starting to consider the possibility that
women might have the right to be independent citizens who are able to make their
own decisions. This later on helped her become a famous dancer, writer, and painter. After three years of intense training, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia and would go in and out of hospitals for the rest of her life.
1) Zelda Fitzgerald came to Paris with hopes of becoming a ballerina. She took lessons from a professional dancer for three years but later on had to give up her dream of becoming a ballerina because she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After her breakdown, she was no longer allowed to dance, and fell back to writing as a way to creatively express herself. Two years later she became a painter. She would use oils, pastels, and watercolors to mainly express her love for dancing. She came back to the United States and later on died in a fire at Highland Hospital in Asheville, NC.
2) When Zelda got pregnant, she and her husband, Scott Fitzgerald took a trip to Europe. When Zelda came up with her dreams of becoming a ballerina, Paris was the place she wanted to go and found a professional dancer to teach her.
3)Zelda Fitzgerald had a thing for painting dancers. I respect that, knowing that she loved dancing and that she wanted to become a ballerina, but her health got in her way. If I had to quit swimming and become a painter, I would most likely paint swimmers and pools because that is what I am interested in and it is what I love. Most of her paintings are not appealing to me because I do not really care about dancing as she did.
4)Zelda Fitzgerald's work is very interesting, but I would not be one to go research more about her paintings. I think that it is great that she did what she loved, dancing, and pursued herself in that career. It is nice that after she was told she could not dance anymore, that she did not give up. She found other ways of expressing her love for dancinng.

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